30 Days of Python Challenge

30 Days of Python Challenge

30 Days of Python Challenge

Level 0 to Level 1 Challenge

This is for people who are basically total Python beginners. Like if you’ve taken the first 3–4 lessons of a Python course (the average number of lessons before people drop the course).

  1. Create a GitHub

  2. Create a Random Number Generator

  3. Create a Contact List and Persist in JSON

  4. Rock Paper Scissors against the Computer

  5. High Low Guessing Game

  6. Dice Roll simulator

  7. Send an Email (with attachment)

  8. Password Generator

  9. Calculator that implements basic operations

  10. Unit Convertor

  11. Plot a dataset

  12. Hangman

  13. Generate an Introduction with the Inigo Montoya Method

  14. Check if a number is square

  15. Prime factorization

  16. Greatest Common Denominator

  17. Least Common Multiple

  18. Grader

  19. Towers of Hanoi

  20. Generate a Deck of Cards

  21. War Card Game (day 1)

  22. War Card Game (day 2)

  23. War Card Game (day 3)

  24. Scientific Calculator — should be extended from the basic calculator

  25. Linear Regression

  26. Logistic Regression

  27. Blackjack Card Game (day 1)

  28. Blackjack Card Game (day 2)

  29. Blackjack Card Game (day 3)

  30. Blackjack Card Game (day 4)

Level 1 to Level 2 Challenge

This is for people who are a little more experienced with Python. You should have a grasp of the basic data types, functions, and classes. Some of these are repeat challenges.

  1. Plot a Dataset

  2. Least Common Multiple USING Greatest Common Denominator

  3. Tower of Hanoi

  4. Linear Regression

  5. Logistic Regression

  6. K Nearest Neighbors

  7. Generate a Deck of Cards

  8. War Card Game (day 1)

  9. War Card Game (day 2)

  10. Blackjack Card Game (day 1)

  11. Blackjack Card Game (day 2)

  12. Blackjack Card Game (day 3)

  13. YouTube video Downloader with youtube_dl

  14. Scrape the web with Selenium and Beautiful Soup 4

  15. Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  16. Implement a Binary Search Tree from scratch

  17. Breadth First Search

  18. Depth First Search

  19. Recursive Depth First Search

  20. Longest Increasing Subsequence

  21. Bubble Sort

  22. Heap Sort

  23. Insertion Sort

  24. Merge Sort

  25. Quick Sort

  26. Build a Quiz Creator

  27. Texas HoldEm (day 1)

  28. Texas HoldEm (day 2)

  29. Texas HoldEm (day 3)

  30. Texas HoldEm (day 4)